Vet Med - Czech, 2005, 50(3):89-104 | DOI: 10.17221/5601-VETMED

Viruses as a cause of foodborne diseases: a review of the literature

P. Vasickova1, L. Dvorska2,3, A. Lorencova2, I. Pavlik2
1 Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
2 Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
3 Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority, Headquarters, Brno, Czech Republic

Viruses cause many diseases in plants, animals, and humans. They are strict intracellular parasites with cellular specificity. Viral particles can be transmitted by different routes, such as contaminated food and water. People usually get infected orally, after ingestion of products contaminated during processing or subsequent handling or preparation. This review article is focused on the most severe foodborne viruses specific for humans, of the following genera: Norovirus, Enterovirus, Hepatovirus, Astrovirus, and some others. Methods for detecting viruses in food and strategies for preventing virus transmission via food are also discussed.

Keywords: risk assessment; food safety; enteric viruses; route of transmission; RT-PCR; ELISA; foodborne viral outbreaks; zoonoses

Published: March 31, 2005  Show citation

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Vasickova P, Dvorska L, Lorencova A, Pavlik I. Viruses as a cause of foodborne diseases: a review of the literature. Vet Med-Czech. 2005;50(3):89-104. doi:�10.17221/5601-VETMED.
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