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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 11, 2014

Multiclass cancer classification based on gene expression comparison

  • Sitan Yang EMAIL logo and Daniel Q. Naiman


As the complexity and heterogeneity of cancer is being increasingly appreciated through genomic analyses, microarray-based cancer classification comprising multiple discriminatory molecular markers is an emerging trend. Such multiclass classification problems pose new methodological and computational challenges for developing novel and effective statistical approaches. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for classifying multiple disease states associated with cancer based on gene expression profiles. Our method focuses on detecting small sets of genes in which the relative comparison of their expression values leads to class discrimination. For an m-class problem, the classification rule typically depends on a small number of m-gene sets, which provide transparent decision boundaries and allow for potential biological interpretations. We first test our approach on seven common gene expression datasets and compare it with popular classification methods including support vector machines and random forests. We then consider an extremely large cohort of leukemia cancer patients to further assess its effectiveness. In both experiments, our method yields comparable or even better results to benchmark classifiers. In addition, we demonstrate that our approach can integrate pathway analysis of gene expression to provide accurate and biological meaningful classification.

Corresponding author: Sitan Yang, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Johns Hopkins University, 211C Whitehead Hall 3400 N., Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA, e-mail:


The authors would like to thank Donald Geman and the reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions. This work was partially supported by NIH-NCRR Grant UL1 RR 025005.


A Bayesian decision-theoretic interpretation

In this section, we provide an interpretation for the scoring equation of the TSS classifier [see (3) in Methods] using the Bayesian decision theory, and derive the optimal Bayesian classifier with a general loss function and class priors. Consider an m-class classification problem, TSS aims to find m-gene set 𝒮={i1, i2, …, im} such that


Now suppose the class conditional probability distribution associated with gene expression comparisons in 𝒮 is given by

Xi1>max{Xr, r∈𝒮\i1}p11p12p1m
Xi2>max{Xr, r∈𝒮\i2}p21p22p2m
Xim>max{Xr, r∈𝒮\im}pm1pm2pmm

A decision procedure δ can be constructed where the result of each comparison in the table above is considered being indicative of a sample from a distinct class. In this situation, m classes lead to m! possible decision procedures for a given gene set where one of those decision procedures is illustrated below.

Xi1>max{Xr, r∈𝒮\i1}3
Xi2>max{Xr, r∈𝒮\i2}5
Xim>max{Xr, r∈𝒮\im}2

Next, a loss function can be introduced for δ by specifying the penalties for misclassification as follows


Based on the tables above, R(i, δ), the risk function of δ for class y=i can be written as


Consequently, r(δ), the Bayes risk of δ is given by


where πi is the prior probability for class y=i. Therefore, the Bayes risk associated with δ is given by


and the decision rule δ* satisfying


is the optimal rule referrred to as the Bayes Rule. As mentioned earlier, for a given gene set, there are m! possible decision procedures, and since the number of possible gene sets is also finite, the optimal Bayes rule δ* for the problem can be found by searching for the rule that minimizes r(δ) among all gene sets.

It is important to note that the Bayesian optimality of the decision rule described above only applies when the gene set used for classification has been determined. Otherwise, the development of the Bayes rule requires the joint probability distribution of all genes. In fact, no Bayesian theory is directly related to the choice of gene set for classification.

Equation (A-1) uses the general form of loss function and class prior probabilities. In practice, the choice of loss function and class priors depends on the problem. For example, the empirical estimation nc/N can be considered, where nc is the sample size of class c and N is the total sample size. In the context of this paper, the sample size of microarray datasets is quite limited and the sample proportions in a particular dataset may not reflect the actual distribution in the population. Therefore, we used equal class priors in our approach. In addition, without further information about the relative importance of various misclassifications, we assumed a 0-1 loss function, e.g.,


In this case, R(i, δ) becomes


and r(δ) is


Then minimizing r(δ) is equivalent to finding


The optimal rule for the equation above can be found heuristically using the equation (3) in Section 2.2, and it turns out to be the top scoring sets.

B The acceleration algorithm

The acceleration algorithm described here generalizes the pruning algorithm introduced by Tan et al. (2005) for the TSP classifier to the multiclass case. Similar to the binary TSP method, an important step for the multiclass TSS approach is to search for top scoring gene sets. Once the search process is completed, the decision rule can be immediately derived. However, given the large number of genes for microarray data, the search process is often computationally expensive. We have previously introduced two methods for searching gene sets with high scores. They are significantly more efficient than the exhaustive search, but may not be fast when combined with schemes such as cross-validation. Therefore, the algorithm here aims to accelerate the search process in the cross-validation loop.

In TSS, different methods can be employed in the search process, but only top scoring sets are kept. Therefore, gene sets that are impossible to achieve the top score can be excluded in the search process, which obviously requires a “complete” comparison among all gene sets. In a typically cross-validation loop, one such comparison is needed for each iteration. However, we will demonstrate that the acceleration algorithm can produce a small list of gene sets so that only a comparison among these gene sets is sufficient to find top scoring sets.

Let rg(n) denote the score obtained for a given gene set g when a subset of n samples is left out from N training samples in the cross-validation. The lower bound Lg(n) and the upper bound Ug(n) are defined as


Now suppose the lower and upper bounds are obtained for all possible gene sets {gi, i=1, 2,…}. Rank all lower bounds from largest to smallest and set the largest lower bound to L. Without loss of generality, assume L=Lg1(n). Then the following claim holds:

Claim: If Ugi(n)<L then the gene set gi can not be a top scoring set on Nn samples for any size n subset.

Proof: According to the definition of Ugi(n), rgi(n)≤Ugi(n). If rg(n)≤Ugi(n)<L, the following inequalities satisfy for any size n subset


Therefore, there is at least one gene set g1 scored higher than gi regardless of the choice of the size n subset. This claim follows immediately.

The reduced list Ω typically contains only a few gene sets. The identification of top scoring sets from Ω is extremely fast. The significant improvement in efficiency is hence achieved by repeatedly using Ω in each iteration of the cross-validation. The lower and upper bound for a given gene set can be obtained by calculating all possible scores when any size n subset is left out. Unless a large n and a large number of classes are considered simultaneously, this process is also efficient.

Table A.1

Description of the acceleration algorithm.

Acceleration Algorithm
Input:N training samples, gene set collection G={g1,g2,...}
Output:The reduced gene set list Ω.
1.For each gene set gi, compute the lower bound Lgi(n) and the upper bound Ugi(n) under all possible situations that n training samples are left out.
2.Rank all Lgi(n) in descending order and take L=max{Lgi(n)}
3.Generate the list Ω consisting of all gi for which Ugi(n)≥L

In practice, G in Table A.1 can be any gene set collection considered in the search process. For example, in the greedy search process, there are a number of sub-classification problems generated from the original problem. In each of these sub-problems, only top scoring sets are stored. Therefore, the acceleration algorithm can be applied in each step of the greedy search to yield a reduced list of gene sets that can possibly be identified as top scoring sets in the cross-validation. As a result, the greedy search process only needs to be applied one time on the training set.

The acceleration algorithm here can be immediately extended for the k-TSS classifier that uses top k scoring sets as the decision rule. In this situation, only step 2 in Table A.1 needs to be changed so that L is set to the k-th largest lower bound. This is because any gene set whose upper bound is less than L clearly cannot be one of the top k scoring sets during the cross-validation. As a result, the search process for top k scoring sets can also be quite efficient.

C Confusion matrices for acute leukemia subtypes

Section 3.4 provides the classification results of applying the greedy search-based TSS classifier on a large cohort of acute leukemia samples from the MILE project. The classification uses a two-step decision tree (Figure 4) to decompose the original problem into three sub-classification problems: a three-class problem at the top level, and a seven- and six-class problem at the bottom level. The following confusion matrices are for these three problems, respectively. True/gold standard (GS) classifications of samples are presented in rows and predictions are in columns.

Table A. 2

Confusion matrices for classification of acute leukemia subtypes.

Table A. 2 Confusion matrices for classification of acute leukemia subtypes.


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Published Online: 2014-6-11
Published in Print: 2014-8-1

© 2014 by De Gruyter

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