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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 1, 2005

A Multilocus Genotyping Assay for Cardiovascular Disease

  • Suzanne Cheng , Céline Pallaud , Michael A. Grow , Stephen J. Scharf , Henry A. Erlich , William Klitz , Clive R. Pullinger , Mary J. Malloy , John P. Kane , Gérard Siest and Sophie Visvikis


In our efforts to develop diagnostic tests for complex multifactorial disorders, and to assist the research community in evaluating genetic markers for predisposition to cardiovascular disease, we have developed a prototype assay to genotype up to 35 variable sites among 15 genes. The candidate markers in this panel were selected from biological pathways likely to contribute to the development and progression of cardiovascular disease. Each sample is amplified in two multiplex polymerase chain reactions that are then hybridized to an array of immobilized oligonucleotide probes. The assay has been applied to a population-based cohort representing 238 families; allele frequencies observed among 455 unrelated parents from this cohort agree with available literature values. Data from a cohort of 142 lipid-clinic patients were used to explore locus associations with arterial occlusion, as measured by quantitative angiography. This prototype assay provides a research tool for studies to assess the association of multiple markers with disease, and for clinical studies to evaluate marker association with patient responsiveness to experimental therapies.

Published Online: 2005-06-01
Published in Print: 1998-08-01

Copyright © 1999 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG

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