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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 1, 2005

Interspecific and temporal variation in phlorotannin levels in an assemblage of brown algae

  • Solène Connan , Fabienne Goulard , Valérie Stiger , Eric Deslandes and Erwan Ar Gall
From the journal Botanica Marina


We report here on a survey of phenolic contents in all seaweeds forming belts on a sheltered rocky shore in Brittany (France). Eight species of brown algae (7 Fucales and 1 Laminariales) were investigated over a 14-month period. Levels of phenolic compounds in members of the Fucales were generally above 2% DW and exceeded those found in the Laminariales by a factor of ten. The highest contents were found in species growing at mid-tide level, with a decrease above and below this shore level. There was a seasonal pattern, with a summer maximum for the Fucales and winter maximum for a member of the Laminariales.


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Published Online: 2005-06-01
Published in Print: 2004-11-01

©2004 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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