The S1 and S2 subsite specificity of recombinant human cathepsins X was studied using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptides with the general sequences Abz-Phe-Xaa-Lys(Dnp)-OH and Abz-Xaa-Arg-Lys(Dnp)-OH, respectively (Abz=ortho-aminobenzoic acid and Dnp=2,4-dinitrophenyl; Xaa=various amino acids). Cathepsin X cleaved all substrates exclusively as a carboxymonopeptidase and exhibited broad specificity. For comparison, these peptides were also assayed with cathepsins B and L. Cathepsin L hydrolyzed the majority of them with similar or higher catalytic efficiency than cathepsin X, acting as an endopeptidase mimicking a carboxymonopeptidase (pseudo-carboxymonopeptidase). In contrast, cathepsin B exhibited poor catalytic efficiency with these substrates, acting as a carboxydipeptidase or an endopeptidase. The S1′ subsite of cathepsin X was mapped with the peptide series Abz-Phe-Arg-Xaa-OH and the enzyme preferentially hydrolyzed substrates with hydrophobic residues in the P1′ position.
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