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Thriving under Stress: Selective Translation of HIV-1 Structural Protein mRNA during Vpr-Mediated Impairment of eIF4E Translation Activity

Figure 1

HIV-1 infection correlates with a subtle decrease in soluble and membrane-associated polyribosomes.

(A) Representative ribosomal RNA profile of mock or HIV-1-infected CEMx174 cells after sucrose gradient centrifugation and detection of the rRNA by absorbance at 254 nm. Labels designate the non-translating ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) and adjacent peaks are 40S, 60S and 80S ribosome, respectively. The translating RNP contains the polyribosomes. (B) Immunoblot with endoplasmic reticulum marker, GRP78 and cytosolic marker, α-Tubulin showed effective fractionation of the membrane-associated and soluble cytosolic compartments of the infected CEMx174 cells.

Figure 1
