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CD11b+, Ly6G+ Cells Produce Type I Interferon and Exhibit Tissue Protective Properties Following Peripheral Virus Infection

Figure 1

Phagocytic cells control the systemic spread of virus from the ear pinnae and tissue damage at the site of infection.

Wild-type (A–D, G, H) or MAFIA (E, F, G, H) mice were infected i.d. in the ear pinnae with VACV. Ear pinnae or ovaries were harvested at various days post-infection. Ear (A, C, E) or ovary (D, F) lysates were used in a plaque assay to determine viral replication kinetics in vivo. B) Immune cells were isolated from infected ear pinnae and identified as either T cells (open circles; TCRβ+, CD90+) or phagocytes (filled squares; CD11b+, CD90-, NK1.1-, CD19-) using flow cytometry. Infected ear pinnae (C, E) and ovaries (D, F) were harvested from clodronate liposome-(C, D; filled circles) or vehicle-(C, D; open squares) treated wild-type mice and AP20187-(E, F; filled circles) or vehicle-(E, F; open squares) treated MAFIA mice. G, H) The tissue damage in wild-type mice treated with clodronate liposomes (filled squares) or vehicle (filled circles), or MAFIA mice treated with AP20187 (open squares) was documented on indicated days post infection, by measuring lesion size (G) or loss of tissue (H). Data is representative of at least three independent experiments and data shown represent mean cell numbers or virus titers +/- SEM from four ears at each time point and mean lesion size or tissue damage +/- SEM from 10 ears mice at each time point are depicted in (G, H).

Figure 1
