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The Epigenetic Landscape of Latent Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Genomes

Figure 2

Global DNA methylation patterns of latent KSHV genomes.

Global DNA methylation patterns of KSHV genomes in PEL cells (HBL6, AP3 and BCBL1), long-term in vitro infected endothelial SLK cells (SLKp) or SLK cultures 5 days after de novo infection with KSHV (SLK-5dpi) were determined by MeDIP array analysis as described in the text. The profile observed for the positive control, consisting of a completely methylated KSHV bacmid mixed with cellular DNA, is also shown (BacM). CpG methylation values are shown on the y-axis for overlapping 250 bp sequence windows, shifted along the KSHV genome in increments of 100 bp. Methylation values of individual windows represent the mean of background-corrected methylation values from all probes matching either strand of the window (see Material & Methods for details). The number of CpG dinucleotides which are present in each sequence window are shown at the top. The nucleotide positions and genome map shown at the bottom of each panel refer to the reference KSHV sequence (NC_009333). Open reading frames and repeat regions are indicated as block arrows and grey boxes, respectively.

Figure 2
