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Regulation of Hepatitis C Virion Production via Phosphorylation of the NS5A Protein

Figure 2

Mapping the disruption of infectious virus production.

A). Sequence of JFH-1 NS5A around the region of deletion B (indicated by gray line). Deletions B-1, B-2 and B-3 are indicated by black bars. Numbers refer to amino acid numbering of the mature JFH-1 NS5A protein. Residue serine 452 is shown in red. B). IHC analysis of cells electroporated with indicated deletion bearing viral RNAs (top of image rows) for NS5A 48 hours post electroporation (top row of panels) or 48 hours post infection (bottom row of panels). Numbers beneath each panel are HCV RNA copies per 100 ng of total RNA (top row of images) and infectivity release from titering (bottom row of images). C). Sequence of JFH-1, as described in A, now showing the location of deletion B-4 and B-5 with black bars. D). IHC analysis of deletion B-4 and B-5. Panel layout is as described in B. Numbers below the images are as described in B. E). Western blot analysis of NS5A from cells electroporated with replication competent full-length viral genomes of wild-type (WT) and deletions B-1, B-2, and B-3 (del B1, del B2, and del B3) shown in panel B. F). Western blot analysis of NS5A from cells electroporated with replication competent full-length viral genomes as shown in panel D. Nomenclature is as described in E.

Figure 2
