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A comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 genomic analysis identifies potential targets for drug repurposing

Fig 9

Analysis of RMSD, radius of gyration, hydrogen bonding, RMSF and SASA of NSP10 protein and drugs Alvimopan and Irbesartan.

A. Root-mean-square deviation of the Cɑ atoms, B. Radius of gyration (Rg) over the entire simulation, where the ordinate is Rg (nm) and the abscissa is time (ps), C. Total number of H-bond count throughout the simulation, D. RMSF values over the entire simulation, where the ordinate is RMSF (nm) and the abscissa is residue, and E. Solvent accessible surface area (SASA), where the ordinate is SASA (nm2) and the abscissa is time (ps).

Fig 9
