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Modulating lysosomal function through lysosome membrane permeabilization or autophagy suppression restores sensitivity to cisplatin in refractory non-small-cell lung cancer cells

Fig 3

A549cisR cells exhibit an increase in the number of lysosomes.

(A) Untreated A549Pt and A549cisR cells were stained for DAPI (blue) and LAMP-1 (green), and immunofluorescent images were captured using Cellomics (40x objective) in two fluorescent channels. (B) The number of lysosomes was quantified by the Cellomics imager using the biocompartmental analysis algorithm. (C) Cells lysates from untreated A549Pt and A549cisR cells were collected and Western blot analysis was performed for LAMP-1 and α-tubulin. (D) Graph displaying LAMP-1 level adjusted to tubulin level as quantified by WB densitometry. Graph bars represent the Mean±SEM from three independent experiments. *p<0.05 A549Pt vs. A549cisR.

Fig 3
