Investigation of a Novel Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Escape Mutant Affecting Immunogenicity
Fig 1
Amino acid sequence comparison of wild-type and mutated HBsAg.
(A) Amino acid alignment of the wild-type HBsAgs (W1S, W3S and adr4 [X01587]) with other published sequences (adw [AF100308], adw [AY220698.1], ayr [AY38845.1] and ayw [DQ336692.1]). Only the different amino acids at the positions are represented. The dot represents the same amino acid as the first line. (B) The amino acid (aa) sequence alignment of the wild-type (W1S and W3S) and different mutants of HBsAg. The amino acid residues identical to those of HBsAg (W1S) are indicated by dots.