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c-Myc and AMPK Control Cellular Energy Levels by Cooperatively Regulating Mitochondrial Structure and Function

Fig 6

Metabolite profiling of WT and KO MEFs.

(A) HPLC-ESI-MS/MS quantification of select metabolites in MEFs prior to or following MycER activation for 8 days. Each box represents the average of biological quadruplicate samples. Levels of each depicted metabolite were arbitrarily set to 1 in WT cells (white boxes). (B) Enzymatic and metabolite feedback control of PDH and PK. Note the control of the former by the stimulatory phosphatase PDP2 and the inhibitory kinase PDK1 as well as additional indirect and direct control of PDH and PK, respectively by ATP and ADP. PDH and PK enzyme activities (C and D, respectively) and acetyl CoA assays (E) were performed on whole cell extracts as previously described [23].

Fig 6
