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Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels by G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Celiac-Mesenteric Ganglion Neurons of Septic Rats

Fig 3

Time courses of Ca2+ current amplitude for prepulse (●) and postpulse (○) acquired from the application of NE in acutely isolated CSMG neurons from sham control (A) and septic (B) rats 48 hr post-sepsis induction by CLP.

Ca2+ channel currents were evoked every 10 sec with the ‘double-pulse’ voltage paradigm (A, top right). The numbered current traces in A and B are shown to the right. C, summary bar graph illustrating the mean (± SE) prepulse inhibition (first test pulse to +10 mV) and postpulse inhibition (second test pulse to +10 mV) mediated by 10 μM NE. The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of neurons tested. D, NE concentration-response relationship of CSMG neurons from sham control (▲) and septic (●) rats. Each data point represents the mean (± SE) NE-mediated prepulse current inhibition from 4 to 16 neurons, except for 1 and 30 nM where n = 1. The smooth curves were obtained by fitting the points to the Hill equation and the EC50 (nM) values, shown in the legend, were significantly (P < 0.001) different from each other.

Fig 3
