Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels by G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Celiac-Mesenteric Ganglion Neurons of Septic Rats
Fig 1
Normalized current-voltage (I-V) relationships of acutely isolated CSMG neurons from sham control (A) and septic (B) rats 48 hr post-sepsis induction by CLP.
The I-V curves represent the mean Ca2+ current amplitude for each test potential. Ca2+ currents were evoked every 3 s with a 70 ms pulse from a holding potential of -80 mV to test potential between -60 and +60 mV. The current amplitude was measured 10 ms following the onset of the test pulse and normalized to +15 mV. The superimposed Ca2+ current traces shown to the left were evoked to potentials from -25 to +40 mV. The number of neurons tested for each group is shown in parenthesis.