Cytoplasmic Localization of p21 Protects Trophoblast Giant Cells from DNA Damage Induced Apoptosis
Figure 9
Inhibition of Akt1 activity induced apoptosis.
(A) After three days of FGF4 deprivation, TGCs were transduced with lentiviruses expressing either control ‘scramble shRNA’ (Ctl) or shRNA targeted against Akt1. Two days after transduction, total cell lysates of surviving cells were analyzed by Western immuno-blotting for the indicated proteins. (B) DIC pictures of the cells three days after transduction (10x objective). (C) The fraction of cells remaining attached to the dish 2 days after lentivirus transduction are indicated for wild-type TSCs and TGCs, and for p21−/− TGCs. (D) TGCs 3 days post-FGF4 deprivation were treated with the indicated concentration of ‘Akt1 inhibitor-X’ (Santa Cruz) for the indicated period of time and cell survival calculated as in (C). Results are shown for wild-type TGCs (black bars), p57−/− TGCs (dark gray bars) and p21−/− TGCs (light gray bars). Error bars represent standard deviation.