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Proteasome, but Not Autophagy, Disruption Results in Severe Eye and Wing Dysmorphia: A Subunit- and Regulator-Dependent Process in Drosophila

Figure 5

RNAi-mediated disruption of the 19S proteasome regulatory cap results in highly dysmorphic fly wings.

Stereo-microscopical (a, c, e and g) and Optical (b, d, f and h) images, demonstrating severely dysmorphic wing phenotypes obtained under Rpn1, 2 and 6 deficient cellular conditions. (a and b) P{GawB}BxMS1096 single transgenic adult fly wings (utilized as control organ-tissues), structured by a marginal vein encompassing the length of the anterior wing margin, four longitudinal veins (L2–L5), two incomplete longitudinal veins (L1 and L6) and two transverse veins (cv-a {anterior cross-vein} and cv-p {posterior cross-vein}). (c and d) P{GawB}BxMS1096/UAS-Rpn1_RNAi double transgenic fly wings, characterized by reduced expression of Rpn1 19S proteasome subunit. (e and f) P{GawB}BxMS1096/UAS-Rpn2_RNAi double transgenic fly wings, carrying downregulated Rpn2 protein levels. (g and h) P{GawB}BxMS1096/UAS-Rpn6_RNAi double transgenic flies, producing wings with decreased Rpn6 cellular contents. Scale Bars: 200 µm.

Figure 5
