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Matched Sizes of Activating and Inhibitory Receptor/Ligand Pairs Are Required for Optimal Signal Integration by Human Natural Killer Cells

Figure 3

Elongation of HLA-Cw6 abrogates its inhibitory effect.

(A) Normal-length and elongated forms of HLA-Cw6 were expressed on 221 cells at matched (high or low) levels. (B) 221 target cells expressing normal-length or elongated Cw6 were incubated with KIR2DL1-expressing YTS effector cells for 5 h at the indicated E:T ratios. Lysis of 221 cells was assayed as in Figure 1B. (C) YTS-KIR2DL1 cells were stimulated with 221 cells expressing no, low or high levels of the indicated form of Cw6 for 16 h. Supernatants were harvested and IFN-γ secretion quantified by ELISA. Data in B and C are representative results from four independent experiments. Error bars are SD of triplicate measurements.

Figure 3
