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Integrin α5β1 Function Is Regulated by XGIPC/kermit2 Mediated Endocytosis during Xenopus laevis Gastrulation

Figure 8

Kermit2 regulates internalization of antibody bound α5β1 integrin.

Xenopus A6 cells were transfected with (A) GFP-tagged kermit2, or (B) GFP-tagged kermit2mut and the endocytosis of antibody labeled α5β1 was estimated from fluorescent intensity using the density slice function of Openlab. (C, D) Staining of internalized α5β1 with fluorescent anti-mouse antibody. Non-transfected cells in the same dish act as controls. Insets in C and D represent 25 µM2 ROI's used to estimate pixel densities. (A, C) Kermit2 transfected cells have 827.3±23.0 pixels/ROI as compared to control cell ROI pixel densities of 841.5±13.3 pixels/ROI. (B, D) In kermit2mut transfected cells the ROI pixel density is 530.8±51.2, while in non-transfected cells from the same dish have an average pixel density of 832.5±24.3 pixels/ROI. Pixel densities represent averages (±SD) from 10 individual cells from 4 separate transfections. Size marker = 25 µM.

Figure 8
