Assessing the Significance of Conserved Genomic Aberrations Using High Resolution Genomic Microarrays
Figure 6
STAC Confidences for the Three Most Extreme MSA Test Values
This illustrates, on real data, that one cutoff value that reveals signal in one region can obscure real signal in other regions.
(A) At a high cutoff it is possible to find tight concordance across positions 117–119 Mb and 190–191 Mb.
(B) A middle cutoff preserves tight concordance at 117–119 Mb but loses 190–191 Mb and picks up additional regions such as 175–180 Mb.
(C) At the lowest cutoff, the aberration at positions 117–119 Mb and at 175–180 Mb are obscured by noise. However, a new region at 181–184 Mb is detected. The height of the bar corresponds to the confidence level (1 − p). Dark gray bars are significant with p < 0.05.