Heat-Shock Promoters: Targets for Evolution by P Transposable Elements in Drosophila
Figure 1
Geographic Origins of D. melanogaster Populations Screened in This Study
Screens revealed zero to 14 P elements per population (indicated by the number of squares), distinctive by insertion location, in the proximal promoter regions of genes examined (Table 1). Colors of squares correspond to gene set (see Introduction). Inset: Percentages of distinctive P elements discovered in Hsp70 genes and each of the three gene sets screened. A total of 161 P element insertions (the ten P elements in the coding sequence and the five non–P element insertions are not included in the figure). These tallies potentially under-report the actual number of P elements; see Results. F06 (Celera) is the strain whose genome has been sequenced [25] and is the reference strain for the present study. Populations F18, F50, and F52 (in light gray text) were removed from the analysis after screens failed for multiple genes and primer sets.