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Distributions of Transposable Elements Reveal Hazardous Zones in Mammalian Introns

Figure 7

Chimeric transcripts of the Trpc6 gene and Kcnh6 gene in mice.

Snapshots of the Trpc6 gene (A) and Kcnh6 gene (B) in UCSC Genome Browser are shown, with protein domains indicated. The red bar above the RefSeq gene annotation track shows the polymorphic LTR element insertion in B6 mice. For each gene, the mRNA track is shown, including the mRNAs terminating in the LTR element. Positions of primer sets used in the qRT-PCR experiments are indicated as arrowheads below the snapshot for each gene, with the upper pair (blue) for primers upstream of the polymorphic LTR element insertion, and the lower pair (green) for primers flanking the position of the LTR element insertion.

Figure 7
