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Distributions of Transposable Elements Reveal Hazardous Zones in Mammalian Introns

Figure 6

Chimeric transcripts and cryptic splice signals of TEs within and outside the U-zone.

A) EST-associated human intronic TEs within and outside the U-zone. Each TE class is shown as a group on the x-axis. The y-axis shows the percentage of intronic TEs that contribute to chimeric ESTs with the enclosing gene. The white/dark bar represents all TEs of each TE class within/outside the U-zone, respectively. The fraction numbers beside each bar indicates the total number of TEs in each category (denominator) and the number of cases involved in chimeric ESTs (numerator). Error bars represent standard errors derived from the total number of cases (sample size) for each category. B) Predicted number and strength of cryptic splice sites in human LTRs. The top panel gives the average strength of predicted splice sites within sampled LTR sequences within each bin (the y-axis) based on the distance from the LTR to its nearest intron boundary (the x-axis). The bottom panel shows the same but for the average total number of predicted slice sites.

Figure 6
