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Organization and Evolution of Primate Centromeric DNA from Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequence Data

Figure 6

Primate Phylogenetic Analyses of Alpha-Satellite Sequences

Neighbor-joining methods were used to construct (A) a phylogenetic tree of human monomeric alpha-satellite sequences from Chromosome 8 (blue); putative HOR sequences from human (red), chimp (cyan), and gibbon (gray); and random samples from macaque (yellow) and baboon (green); and (B) a phylogenetic tree comparing all human HORs versus macaque HOR sequences identified in this study; and (C) a phylogenetic tree comparing randomly ascertained alpha-satellite monomers from four different Old World monkey species. New World monkey alpha-satellite sequences (dark green) are included as an outgroup in these analyses. Bootstrap values (n = 100 replicates) greater than 75 are indicated on the branches.

Figure 6
