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Phosphoinositide Metabolism Links cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase G to Essential Ca2+ Signals at Key Decision Points in the Life Cycle of Malaria Parasites

Figure 7

Proteins with PKG-dependent phosphorylation sites and their hypothetical functions in gliding ookinetes.

(A) Proteins with phosphorylation sites that are significantly regulated in response to C2 (red dots) or deletion of gcβ (blue dots) and that belong either to known signalling pathways are linked to the glideosome, or which belong to the enriched functional groups of proteins with likely roles in vesicular trafficking. The numeric part of the PBANKA gene ID is shown in grey. The amino acid numbers for the regulated sites in each protein are stated next to a letter indicating if the phosphorylated residue is a serine (S), threonine (T), or tyrosine (Y). (B) Model illustrating hypothetical functions for the proteins in (A) in the molecular motor or during microneme biogenesis in a gliding ookinete.

Figure 7
