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Concordant Regulation of Translation and mRNA Abundance for Hundreds of Targets of a Human microRNA

Figure 4

miR-124 negatively regulates the abundance and translation of mRNA targets.

(A) Cumulative distribution of the change in mRNA levels following transfection with miR-124 compared to mock. This analysis compares miR-124 Ago IP targets (1% local FDR) (560, green), IP targets with at least one 3′-UTR 7mer seed match (379, red), IP targets that lacked a 3′-UTR 7 mer seed match (181, blue), and nontargets (7,825, black). mRNA levels of miR-124 Ago IP targets were more likely than nontargets to decrease following transfection with miR-124 (p<10−173). (B) Cumulative distribution of the change in the estimated translation rate following transfection with miR-124 compared to mock. This analysis compares miR-124 Ago IP targets (1% local FDR) (green), IP targets with at least one 3′-UTR 7 mer seed match (red), IP targets that lacked a 3′-UTR 7mer seed match (blue), and nontargets (black). Translation rates of miR-124 Ago IP targets were more likely than nontargets to decrease following transfection with miR-124 (p<10−61). (C) Bar plot showing the average change in mRNA abundance (left) and translation rate (right) following transfection with miR-124 of all miR-124 Ago IP targets (green), IP targets with at least one 3′-UTR 7mer seed match (red), IP targets that lacked a 3′-UTR 7mer seed match (blue). The average change in mRNA abundance and translation of targets was calculated by subtracting the average change of nontargets for the mRNA abundance and translation rate measurements following transfection with miR-124. The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals in the mean difference estimated by bootstrap analysis.

Figure 4
