Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have abnormally high rates of decline in [
18 F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) measurements of the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose in the posterior cingulate, parietal, temporal, and prefrontal cortices
2) and in structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements of the entorhinal cortex
4), medial temporal lobe
(5), hippocampus
(6), and whole brain volume
(7) . Abnormal rates of decline in the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose
(8) and hippocampal volume
(9) have also been reported in patients with mild cognitive impairment who subsequently developed Alzheimer’s disease. In an ongoing longitudinal study, we have used PET and MRI imaging techniques to detect and track changes in brain function and brain structure in cognitively normal, late-middle-aged persons at three levels of genetic risk for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease: those with two copies, one copy, and no copies of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele, a common Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility gene. We have previously shown that ε4 homozygote and heterozygote groups have abnormally low cerebral metabolic rates for glucose in the same brain regions as patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease and higher rates of the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose decline in these and other brain regions
11), findings which have also been reported in an ε4 carrier group that presented to a clinic with memory concerns (which was approximately 10 years earlier) and had slightly lower scores on a dementia rating scale
(12) . Additionally, we have shown nonsignificant tendencies for smaller right and left hippocampal volumes in ε4 homozygote individuals
(13) .
In this study, we used both the well established semiautomated “brain boundary shift integral” method (also known as the “digital subtraction method”)
(14 –
16) and the more recently established automated “iterative principal component analysis” method
(17) to characterize 2-year declines in whole brain volume from sequential MRIs in persons with two, one, and no copies of the APOE ε4 allele. Since each additional copy of the ε4 allele is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and a younger median age at dementia onset, we postulated that APOE ε4 gene dose (i.e., number of ε4 alleles in a person’s APOE genotype) would be associated with significantly higher rates of whole brain atrophy prior to the onset of cognitive impairment. Independent analyses of the same MRI data using brain boundary shift integration and iterative principal component analysis, previously shown to result in highly correlated rates of brain atrophy that are comparable in their ability to distinguish patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease from healthy comparison subjects
(17), were performed to provide converging evidence in support of our predicted findings and to provide a foundation for the use of either MRI method in longitudinal MRI studies of persons at different genetic risks for Alzheimer’s disease.
The demographic characteristics of those with two copies, one copy, and no copies of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele and between-scan intervals are shown in
Table 1 . Their clinical ratings and neuropsychological test scores are shown in the supplemental table accompanying the online version of this article. The APOE ε4 homozygote, heterozygote, and noncarrier groups did not differ significantly in their gender distribution, age at the time of the first visit, educational level, or interval between the baseline and follow-up MRIs (
Table 1 ). The male/female gender distribution in the noncarrier, heterozygote, and homozygote groups, respectively, was 6/10, 1/9, and 2/8 (χ
2 =2.67, df=2, p=0.26). Two subjects in each of the three genetic groups reported a history of hypertension (χ
2 =3.6, df=2, p=0.84). Four ε4 homozygote subjects, four heterozygote subjects, and one noncarrier reported a history of hypercholesterolemia or use of a cholesterol-lowering medication (χ
2 =5.4, df=2, p=0.07). The three genetic groups did not differ significantly in their initial follow-up or between-visit MMSE, HAM-D, or neuropsychological test scores, and they did not differ significantly in the between-visit changes in any of these scores (shown in the supplemental table accompanying the online version of this article). Additionally, the three subject groups did not differ significantly in their baseline brain volumes (p=0.88).
As shown in
Figure 3, annualized whole brain atrophy rates (in percent volume change per year relative to the baseline intracranial volume) in the APOE ε4 homozygote, heterozygote, and noncarrier groups were 0.37 (SD=0.22), 0.18 (SD=0.16), and 0.08 (SD=0.31), respectively, using the brain boundary shift integration (ANOVA: F=3.54, df=2, 33, p=0.04; effect size=0.18) and 0.76 (SD=0.27), 0.58 (SD=0.24), and 0.43 (SD=0.27), respectively, using the iterative principal component analysis (ANOVA: F=5.07, df=2, 33, p=0.01; effect size=0.235). Both image analysis techniques detected a significant correlation between APOE ε4 gene dose and higher annualized rates of whole brain atrophy (linear tendency-ANOVA using brain boundary shift integration: F=7.07, df=1, 33, p=0.01; linear tendency-ANOVA using iterative principal component analysis: F=10.09, df=1, 33, p=0.003), and both detected significantly greater whole brain atrophy rates in the ε4 homozygote group than in noncarriers (two-tailed, two-sample t test, t=2.3918, df=24, p=0.03; effect size=1.079 using brain boundary shift integration and t=3.0962, df=24, p=0.005; effect size=1.22 using iterative principal component analysis).
The correlations between whole brain atrophy rates and APOE ε4 gene dose and the greater whole brain atrophy rates in the ε4 homozygote group remained significant after controlling for the subjects’ baseline age. Despite the smaller cohort sizes, these correlations also remained significant after excluding 1) the six subjects with the APOE ε2/ ε3 genotype from the ε4 noncarrier group, 2) male subjects (using iterative principal component analysis but not brain boundary shift integration), 3) persons with a reported history of hypertension (using iterative principal component analysis but not brain boundary shift integration), and 4) persons with a reported history of hypercholesterolemia or use of a cholesterol-lowering medication (using iterative principal component analysis). Although the small number of male subjects prevented us from evaluating gender differences with adequate statistical power, significant gender effects were not observed. There were no significant differences between whole brain atrophy rates of persons with and without a reported history of hypertension (six versus 30 subjects) using either iterative principal component analysis (unpaired t test, p=0.63) or brain boundary shift integration (unpaired t test, p=0.34), and there were no significant differences between whole brain atrophy rates of persons with and without a reported history of hypercholesterolemia or use of a cholesterol-lowering medication using either iterative principal component analysis (unpaired t test, p=0.32) or brain boundary shift integration (unpaired t test, p=0.60).
The image analysis techniques were unable to detect significantly greater whole brain atrophy rates in the ε4 heterozygote group than in noncarriers (two-sample t test, t=0.8596, df=24, p=0.40; effect size=0.41 using the brain boundary shift integration and t=1.4568, p=0.16; effect size=0.59 using the iterative principal component analysis). Whereas brain boundary shift integration detected a tendency for significantly greater whole brain atrophy rates in the homozygote group than in the heterozygote group (t=2.1216, df=18, p=0.05; effect size=0.99), iterative principal component analysis did not (t=1.5951, df=18, p=0.13; effect size=0.70). The failure of these techniques to detect significant differences in these between-group comparisons could at least partly reflect our relatively small cohort sizes.
Finally, we performed a post hoc analysis after excluding the single APOE ε4 homozygote subject who subsequently developed mild cognitive impairment and probable Alzheimer’s disease after the follow-up MRI. Whole brain atrophy remained significantly different among homozygote, heterozygote, and noncarrier subjects, respectively, using iterative principal component analysis (0.74 [SD=0.27], 0.58 [SD=0.24], and 0.43 [SD=0.27], respectively [ANOVA: F=4.086, df=2, 32, p=0.03]), although the group difference became marginal for brain boundary shift integration (0.36 [SD=0.23], 0.18 [SD=0.16], and 0.08 [SD=0.31], respectively [ANOVA: F=2.99, df=2, 32, p=0.06]). More importantly, results from both image-analysis techniques showed again the significant correlation between APOE ε4 gene dose and higher annualized rates of whole brain atrophy (linear tendency-ANOVA: F=5.97, df=1, 32, p=0.02 using the brain boundary shift integration and F=8.00, df=1, 32, p=0.008 using iterative principal component analysis), and both techniques detected significantly greater whole brain atrophy rates in the ε4 homozygote subjects than in noncarriers (two-tailed, two-sample t test, t=2.1871, df=23, p=0.04 using brain boundary shift integration and t=2.75, df=23, p=0.01 using iterative principal component analysis). No significant difference was found between ε4 noncarriers and ε4 heterozygote subjects or separately between ε4 heterozygote and ε4 homozygote subjects.
Similar to patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease, cognitively normal, late-middle-aged APOE ε4 homozygote individuals, who are at particularly high risk for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, have significantly higher rates of whole brain atrophy than noncarriers. When considered in relationship to our previous PET findings, we have now demonstrated characteristic and progressive declines in
both brain function
and brain structure in these cognitively normal persons at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Based on a previous analysis of 2-year cerebral metabolic rate for glucose declines in ε4 heterozygote individuals
(25), we suggested that PET could provide a way to assess the potential of putative primary prevention therapies in this widely available group without having to study thousands of research subjects or wait many years to determine whether or when study subjects develop symptoms. Findings from this study raise the possibility that volumetric MRI could provide a complementary surrogate marker in assessing the potential of primary prevention therapies in the less widely available population of ε4 homozygote individuals.
In addition, this study demonstrates a significant correlation between APOE ε4 gene dose and rates of whole brain atrophy. In preliminary studies, we have also observed that APOE ε4 gene dose is correlated with baseline PET measurements of hypometabolism in brain regions metabolically affected in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
(18), with 2-year metabolic declines, and with baseline MRI measurements of reduced gray matter density in brain regions metabolically or histopathologically affected in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Together, these findings suggest that FDG PET and volumetric MRI provide information related to the differential risk of Alzheimer’s disease prior to the onset of cognitive impairment. To further substantiate this proposal, it will be helpful to extend our baseline findings and 2-year declines to larger cohorts; to extend our findings to APOE ε4 carriers and noncarriers, irrespective of their reported family history; and to relate these baseline findings and 2-year declines to the subsequent rates of cognitive decline and conversion to mild cognitive impairment and probable Alzheimer’s disease in our ongoing longitudinal study. It will also be important to extend our findings to ε4 noncarriers who have other genetic or nongenetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.
In summary, we have used two different MRI-analysis techniques to characterize atrophy rates from sequential MRIs in cognitively normal, late-middle-aged APOE ε4 homozygote, heterozygote, and noncarrier subjects. Whole brain atrophy rates are significantly higher in APOE ε4 homozygote individuals, who have an especially high risk for Alzheimer’s disease, and these rates are correlated with ε4 gene dose, which is associated with a progressively higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and younger median age at dementia onset.