We analysed two case–control studies of women from Italy and Switzerland, including 195 cases of oral and pharyngeal cancers and 1113 controls. The multivariate odds ratio was 4.6 for heavy smokers and 2.7 for high alcohol intake. Vegetables, fruit, β-carotene and wholegrain foods were inversely, butter and retinol directly, related to risk. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign
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Bosetti, C., Negri, E., Franceschi, S. et al. Risk factors for oral and pharyngeal cancer in women: a study from Italy and Switzerland. Br J Cancer 82, 204–207 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1054/bjoc.1999.0900
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1054/bjoc.1999.0900
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