The retinoblastoma gene product pRb and other members of the Rb family of pocket proteins have a central role in the regulation of cell cycle progression. Soon after its discovery, pRb was found to interact with the transforming oncoproteins of DNA tumor viruses and this led to rapid advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of viral transformation and cell cycle progression. DNA viruses of the polyomavirus family have small, circular, double-stranded DNA genomes contained within non-enveloped icosahedral capsids and are highly tumorigenic in experimental animals. At least three types of polyomavirus infect humans: JC virus (JCV), BK virus (BKV) and Simian Vacuolating virus-40. The early region of these viruses encodes the transforming proteins large T-antigen and small t-antigen, which are involved in viral replication and also promote transformation of cells in culture and oncogenesis in vivo. Binding of T-antigen to pRb promotes the activation of the E2F family of transcription factors, which induce the expression of cellular genes required for S phase. In the context of lytic infection, this cell cycle progression is necessary for viral replication because polyomaviruses rely on S phase-specific host factors for their DNA synthesis. In the context of cellular transformation and tumorigenesis, T-antigen/pRB interaction is an indispensable event.
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We thank past and present members of the Center for Neurovirology for their insightful discussion and sharing of ideas and reagents, and Dr Luis Del Valle for providing immunohistochemistry images. We also thank C Schriver for editorial assistance. This work was supported by grants awarded by the National Institute of Health to KK.
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White, M., Khalili, K. Interaction of retinoblastoma protein family members with large T-antigen of primate polyomaviruses. Oncogene 25, 5286–5293 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.onc.1209618
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.onc.1209618
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