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The Id proteins and angiogenesis


Since the identification of the Id proteins over a decade ago, a great many cell cycle and cell fate decisions have been shown to be under the control of these proteins as described in other sections of this review issue. Perhaps the most unsuspected activity of this class of proteins has been their essential role in angiogenesis, both in the forebrain during development and during the growth and metastasis of tumors in adults. This section of the review issue will focus on the key observations which have led to these conclusions, speculations about potential mechanisms and the outlook for potential therapeutic interventions.

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Dr R Benezra is supported by a grant from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Dr S Rafii is supported by the American Cancer Society and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Dr D Lyden is supported by a grant from Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

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Correspondence to Robert Benezra.

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Benezra, R., Rafii, S. & Lyden, D. The Id proteins and angiogenesis. Oncogene 20, 8334–8341 (2001).

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