We recently demonstrated the existence of specific patterns of somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations in several cancers. Here we sought to identify the presence of mtDNA mutations in prostate cancer and their paired PIN lesions. The D-loop region, 16S rRNA, and the NADH subunits of complex I were sequenced to identify mtDNA mutations in 16 matched PIN lesions and primary prostate cancers. Twenty mtDNA mutations were detected in the tumor tissue of three patients. Identical mutations were also identified in the PIN lesion from one patient. This patient with multiple point mutations also harbored a high frequency of microsatellite instability (MSI-H) in nuclear mononucleotide repeat markers. Remarkably, identical mutations were also detected in all (3/3) matched urine and plasma samples obtained from these patients. Although mitochondrial mutations are less common in prostate adenocarcinoma, they occur early in cancer progression and they can be detected in bodily fluids of early stage disease patients. The identification of MtDNA mutations may complement other early detection approaches for prostate cancer.
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This work was supported by NIH grants RO1 DE 012488, RO1 CA 77664, PO1 CA 58184, and UO1 CA 84986. C Jerónimo, OL Caballero and H Usadel are supported by a grant of the Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia, Portugal (Program PRAXIS XXI - BD 13398/97), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (1998/2736-2), and the Dr Mildred Scheel-Stiftung für Krebsforschung, Deutsche Krebshilfe, respectively.
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Jerónimo, C., Nomoto, S., Caballero, O. et al. Mitochondrial mutations in early stage prostate cancer and bodily fluids. Oncogene 20, 5195–5198 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.onc.1204646
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.onc.1204646