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Mutations in the mitotic check point gene, MAD1L1, in human cancers


Aneuploidy is a characteristic of the majority of human cancers, and recent studies suggest that defects of mitotic checkpoints play a role in carcinogenesis. MAD1L1 is a checkpoint gene, and its dysfunction is associated with chromosomal instability. Rare mutations of this gene have been reported in colon and lung cancers. We examined a total of 44 cell lines (hematopoietic, prostate, osteosarcoma, breast, glioblastoma and lung) and 133 fresh cancer cells (hematopoietic, prostate, breast and glioblastoma) for alterations of MAD1L1 by RT–PCR–SSCP and nucleotide sequencing. Eight mutations consisting of missense, nonsense and frameshift mutations were found, together with a number of nucleotide polymorphisms. All the alterations in cell lines were heterozygous. Frequency of mutations was relatively high in prostate cancer (2/7 cell lines and 2/33 tumor specimens). We placed a mutant truncated MAD1L1, found in a lymphoma sample, into HOS, Ht161 and SJSA cell lines and found that it was less inhibitory than wild type MAD1L1 at decreasing cell proliferation. Co-expression experiments showed that the mutant form had a dominant-negative effect. Furthermore, this mutant impaired the mitotic checkpoint as shown by decreased mitotic indices in HOS cells expressing mutant MAD1L1 after culture with the microtubule-disrupting agent, nocodazole. Our results suggest a pathogenic role of MAD1L1 mutations in various types of human cancer.

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The work was supported in part by NIH and Defense Department grants as well as the Lymphoma Research Foundation, C. and H. Koeffler and Parker Hughes Trust, the Horn and Aron Eschman Foundations and LaPCURE. HP Koeffler holds the Mark Goodson Endowed Chair of Oncology Research.

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Tsukasaki, K., Miller, C., Greenspun, E. et al. Mutations in the mitotic check point gene, MAD1L1, in human cancers. Oncogene 20, 3301–3305 (2001).

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