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  • Brief Communication
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Insertion of an RGD motif into the HI loop of adenovirus fiber protein alters the distribution of transgene expression of the systemically administered vector


Adenoviral vectors are attractive gene delivery vehicles, but their in vivo utility is reduced by lack of cell-specific infection. Tropism modification of the virion by genetic manipulation of capsid proteins is an attractive strategy to achieve targeted transduction. However, no genetic targeting strategies have yet been shown to modify the distribution of transgene expression following systemic administration of vector. This is an essential requirement if such approaches are to form a basis for further vector develop- ment. In this report we present data showing that insertion of a RGD motif into the HI loop of the adenoviral fiber knob results in a significant change in transgene expression profile following intravenous administration. The key finding that a motif in the HI loop is available for cellular interaction when administered systemically means that such modifications can be rationally considered as a foundation upon which further genetic modifications can be superimposed for targeted systemic gene therapy.

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This work was supported by a grant from the American Heart Association, American Lung Foundation, The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand & Allen and Hanburys and grants from the National Institutes of Health – Medical Biochemistry R01 (CA74242) and Ovarian cancer R01 (CA68245).

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Reynolds, P., Dmitriev, I. & Curiel, D. Insertion of an RGD motif into the HI loop of adenovirus fiber protein alters the distribution of transgene expression of the systemically administered vector. Gene Ther 6, 1336–1339 (1999).

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