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Rates of loss of heterozygosity and mitotic recombination in NF2 schwannomas, sporadic vestibular schwannomas and schwannomatosis schwannomas


Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene occurs in the majority of schwannomas. This usually involves a combination of a point mutation or multiexon deletion, in conjunction with either a second point mutation or loss of heterozygosity (LOH). We have performed DNA sequence and dosage analysis of the NF2 gene in a panel of 239 schwannoma tumours: 97 neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)-related schwannomas, 104 sporadic vestibular schwannomas (VS) and 38 schwannomatosis-related schwannomas. In total, we identified germline NF2 mutations in 86 out of 97 (89%) NF2 patients and a second mutational event in 77 out of 97 (79%). LOH was by far the most common form of second hit. A combination of microsatellite analysis with either conventional comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) identified mitotic recombination (MR) as the cause of LOH in 14 out of 72 (19%) total evaluable tumours. Among sporadic VS, at least one NF2 mutation was identified by sequence analysis or MLPA in 65 out of 98 (66%) tumours. LOH occurred in 54 out of 96 (56%) evaluable tumours, but MR only accounted for 5 out of 77 (6%) tested. LOH was present in 28 out of 34 (82%) schwannomatosis-related schwannomas. In all eight patients who had previously tested positive for a germline SMARCB1 mutation, this involved loss of the whole, or part of the long arm, of chromosome 22. In contrast, 5 out of 22 (23%) tumours from patients with no germline SMARCB1 mutation exhibited MR. High-resolution Affymetrix SNP6 genotyping and copy number (CN) analysis (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) were used to determine the chromosomal breakpoint locations in tumours with MR. A range of unique recombination sites, spanning approximately 11.4 Mb, were identified. This study shows that MR is a mechanism of LOH in NF2 and SMARCB1-negative schwannomatosis-related schwannomas, occurring less frequently in sporadic VS. We found no evidence of MR in SMARCB1-positive schwannomatosis, suggesting that susceptibility to MR varies according to the disease context.

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This work was supported by a grant from the Children's Tumor Foundation. The Department of Genetic Medicine is supported by the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre. We also thank all the patients who provided samples for the study.

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Hadfield, K., Smith, M., Urquhart, J. et al. Rates of loss of heterozygosity and mitotic recombination in NF2 schwannomas, sporadic vestibular schwannomas and schwannomatosis schwannomas. Oncogene 29, 6216–6221 (2010).

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