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Calcium and apoptosis: ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer in the control of apoptosis


There is a growing consensus that the various forms of cell death (necrosis, apoptosis and autophagy) are not separated by strict boundaries, but rather share molecular effectors and signaling routes. Among the latter, a clear role is played by calcium (Ca2+), the ubiquitous second messenger involved in the control of a broad variety of physiological events. Fine tuning of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis by anti- and proapoptotic proteins shapes the Ca2+ signal to which mitochondria and other cellular effectors are exposed, and hence the efficiency of various cell death inducers. Here, we will review: (i) the evidence linking calcium homeostasis to the regulation of apoptotic, and more recently autophagic cell death, (ii) the discussion of mitochondria as a critical, although not unique checkpoint and (iii) the molecular and functional elucidation of ER/mitochondria contacts, corresponding to the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) subfraction and proposed to be a specialized signaling microdomain.

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apoptosis-inducing factor


apoptosis protease-activating factor-1

Calcium concentrations: [Ca2+]c:





in the endoplasmic reticulum


cysteinyl/aspartate-specific protease




dynamin-like protein


glucose-regulated protein 75


endoplasmic reticulum


inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate


inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate receptor


mitochondrial-associated membrane


mouse embryonic fibroblasts


mitochondrial permeability transition pore


cytosolic sorting protein-2


protein kinase


plasma membrane Ca2+ ATP-ase


sarco–endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase


voltage anion-dependent channel


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We are deeply indebted to past and present collaborators. This work was supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC), Telethon, local funds from the University of Ferrara, the Italian University Ministry, the PRRIITT program of the Emilia Romagna Region, the Italian Space Agency (ASI), NIH (Grant no.1P01AG025532-01A1) and the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF).

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Pinton, P., Giorgi, C., Siviero, R. et al. Calcium and apoptosis: ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer in the control of apoptosis. Oncogene 27, 6407–6418 (2008).

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