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Splicing regulates NAD metabolite binding to histone macroH2A


Histone macroH2A is a hallmark of mammalian heterochromatin. Here we show that human macroH2A1.1 binds the SirT1-metabolite O-acetyl-ADP-ribose (OAADPR) through its macro domain. The 1.6-Å crystal structure and mutants reveal how the metabolite is recognized. Mutually exclusive exon use in the gene H2AFY produces macroH2A1.2, whose tissue distribution differs. MacroH2A1.2 shows only subtle structural changes but cannot bind nucleotides. Alternative splicing may thus regulate the binding of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) metabolites to chromatin.

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Figure 1: The human heterochromatic histone mH2A1.1 binds NAD metabolites.
Figure 2: Alternative splicing regulates NAD metabolite binding to human histone macroH2A1 isoforms.

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We thank M. Wilm for mass spectrometry; G. Karras, A. Bianco, G. Stier, H. Buhecha, M. Breitenbach and H. Koller for assorted help; S. Fribourg for beamline data collection; A. Akhtar, E. Conti, E. Izaurralde, C. Margulies, I. Mattaj, J. Müller and C. Schultz for discussion; and the staff at beamline ID14-1/ID14-4 of the ESRF for technical support. M.H. acknowledges financial support from the Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Foundation, Germany.

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Correspondence to Klaus Scheffzek or Andreas G Ladurner.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Fig. 1

Schematic group II intron secondary structure. (PDF 460 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 2

The products of splicing from a D56 molecule containing a single-nucleotide 3′-exon. (PDF 445 kb)

Supplementary Table 1

Data collection and refinement statistics (Molecular Replacement). (PDF 75 kb)

Supplementary Methods (PDF 173 kb)

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Kustatscher, G., Hothorn, M., Pugieux, C. et al. Splicing regulates NAD metabolite binding to histone macroH2A. Nat Struct Mol Biol 12, 624–625 (2005).

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