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APOBEC3G DNA deaminase acts processively 3′ → 5′ on single-stranded DNA


Akin to a 'Trojan horse,' APOBEC3G DNA deaminase is encapsulated by the HIV virion. APOBEC3G facilitates restriction of HIV-1 infection in T cells by deaminating cytosines in nascent minus-strand complementary DNA. Here, we investigate the biochemical basis for C → U targeting. We observe that APOBEC3G binds randomly to single-stranded DNA, then jumps and slides processively to deaminate target motifs. When confronting partially double-stranded DNA, to which APOBEC3G cannot bind, sliding is lost but jumping is retained. APOBEC3G shows catalytic orientational specificity such that deamination occurs predominantly 3′ → 5′ without requiring hydrolysis of a nucleotide cofactor. Our data suggest that the G → A mutational gradient generated in viral genomic DNA in vivo could result from an intrinsic processive directional attack by APOBEC3G on single-stranded cDNA.

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Figure 1: APOBEC3G purified from Sf9 cells is associated with RNA.
Figure 2: Effects of DNA length on APOBEC3G binding and catalysis.
Figure 3: Location of a CCC hot spot on an ssDNA substrate (69 nt) affects APOBEC3G activity.
Figure 4: APOBEC3G cycles on and off an ssDNA substrate.
Figure 5: Processive deamination of two C targets on the same ssDNA molecule.
Figure 6: Effect of a blocking dsDNA on APOBEC3G processivity.
Figure 7: Jumping and sliding model for APOBEC3G-catalyzed processive deamination.

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We are grateful for the extensive expert advice provided by P. von Hippel and D. Astumian. We would like to thank R. Bransteitter for generating baculovirus expressing GST-APOBEC3G. This work was supported by US National Institutes of Health grants ESO13192 and R37GM21422.

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Correspondence to Myron F Goodman.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Fig. 1

Deamination on substrates with 3 and 7 nt between two C targets (PDF 112 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 2

Processive deamination in the presence of competitor ssDNA (PDF 129 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 3

Processive deamination on 157-nt substrates (PDF 129 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 4

Processive deamination of hot spot and cold spots (PDF 143 kb)

Supplementary Table 1

List of synthetic oligonucleotides (PDF 138 kb)

Supplementary Methods

Synthesis of DNA substrates with internal γ-32P label (PDF 81 kb)

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Chelico, L., Pham, P., Calabrese, P. et al. APOBEC3G DNA deaminase acts processively 3′ → 5′ on single-stranded DNA. Nat Struct Mol Biol 13, 392–399 (2006).

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