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MicroRNAs as mediators and therapeutic targets in chronic kidney disease


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by tubulointerstitial deposition of extracellular matrix, tubular atrophy and dilatation; the replacement of organ architecture by connective tissue results in progressive loss of organ function. Micro (mi)RNAs are important mediators of tissue fibrosis under various pathological conditions and are of potential therapeutic relevance. These short, noncoding nucleotides (22 bases) regulate target messenger RNAs at the post-transcriptional level. Several hundred miRNAs regulate a considerable amount of the human genome and are involved in virtually all biological processes, including cellular proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation. Thus, miRNA deregulation often results in impaired cellular function and development of disease. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the role of miRNAs in CKD, with particular emphasis on hypertensive kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, glomerular biology, and IgA nephropathy. Identification of miRNA regulation and function in renal pathology may pinpoint miRNAs as new therapeutic targets in kidney fibrosis and related diseases. A new class of RNA therapeutics, that is, miRNA modulators (such as antagomirs) have been developed, which enable specific targeting of miRNAs and respective downstream gene networks in vivo, thus influencing the mechanisms that underlie disease initiation or progression. The therapeutic potential of miRNA-based treatment strategies in CKD are discussed.

Key Points

  • Chronic kidney diseases are associated with the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis, which leads to progressive loss of organ function

  • Micro (mi)RNAs are endogenous, single-stranded short RNA molecules that regulate approximately 50% of the genome

  • miRNAs are deregulated in kidney diseases and influence the development of kidney fibrosis and dysfunction

  • Development of miRNA-based therapeutic strategies may attenuate or even reverse kidney fibrosis and dysfunction

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Figure 1: Biogenesis, mechanism of action and potential therapeutic utility of miRNAs.
Figure 2: Glomerular architecture under normal physiological conditions and chronic nephropathy.
Figure 3: The kidney can be targeted by chemically engineered miRNA antagonists (antagomirs).

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J. M. Lorenzen and T. Thum made equal contributions to researching data for the article and to writing the article. H. Haller provided substantial discussion of the content. J. M. Lorenzen, H. Haller and T. Thum contributed equally to reviewing and editing the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Thomas Thum.

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Lorenzen, J., Haller, H. & Thum, T. MicroRNAs as mediators and therapeutic targets in chronic kidney disease. Nat Rev Nephrol 7, 286–294 (2011).

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