Key Points
One of the central problems in neuroscience is understanding how behaviour emerges from the cooperative activities of large number of neurons. The workings of neuronal circuits provide a link between behaviour and cellular level signals.
Recent research strategies that place neuronal circuits at the centre are progressing rapidly as a result of technological advances that combine genetic manipulation with light-based methods.
Among the core tools of these new approaches are genetically encoded optical indicators that enable non-destructive and long-term interrogation of neuronal circuits. Genetic targeting enables the examination of neuronal activities, at either the multiple single-cell or the population level, in defined cell classes.
The neuronal activity can be monitored either with genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) or genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs). A great advantage of these tools over low-molecular-mass organic indicators is their permanent labelling and, therefore, the facilitation of long-term (chronic) studies.
GECIs and GEVIs have different advantages and limitations. GECIs typically provide a larger signal-to-noise ratio, whereas GEVIs offer better temporal resolution and report subthreshold synaptic information.
Use of genetically encoded optical indicators involves appropriate gene targeting and optical imaging methods.
In the past few years, genetically encoded optical indicators have been successfully applied to analyse defined cell classes at the population level, to study the anatomical organization of sensory and motor representations, and the dynamics of neuronal circuits. These successes indicate that these methodologies will play an increasingly important role in circuit-centric approaches in neuroscience.
In a departure from previous top-down or bottom-up strategies used to understand neuronal circuits, many forward-looking research programs now place the circuit itself at their centre. This has led to an emphasis on the dissection and elucidation of neuronal circuit elements and mechanisms, and on studies that ask how these circuits generate behavioural outputs. This movement towards circuit-centric strategies is progressing rapidly as a result of technological advances that combine genetic manipulation with light-based methods. The core tools of these new approaches are genetically encoded optical indicators and actuators that enable non-destructive interrogation and manipulation of neuronal circuits in behaving animals with cellular-level precision. This Review examines genetically encoded reporters of neuronal function and assesses their value for circuit-oriented neuroscientific investigations.
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I thank all members of my laboratory for the data presented in the figures in this article, and for their dedication to the ideas reviewed in this article over the past 15 years. Work in my laboratory is supported by intramural grants from RIKEN; the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science; the Human Frontiers Science Program; the US National Institutes of Health; and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology of Japan.
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- Systems of circuits
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- Patch-clamp techniques
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Knöpfel, T. Genetically encoded optical indicators for the analysis of neuronal circuits. Nat Rev Neurosci 13, 687–700 (2012).
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