Key Points
Formation of the biofilm matrix induces a unique environment for bacteria that allows the dynamic biofilm mode of life. Biofilms, and the resulting lifestyle, are built in specific, defined steps, producing a bacterial community that is heterogeneous in space and time.
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) immobilize biofilm cells, keeping them in long-term close proximity and, thus, allowing intense interactions to occur, including cell–cell communication, horizontal gene transfer and the formation of synergistic microconsortia.
Owing to the retention of extracellular enzymes in the matrix, a versatile external digestive system is generated: dissolved and particulate nutrients imported through the water phase of the matrix can be sequestered, accumulated and utilized. The matrix acts as an ultimate recycling yard, keeping all the components of lysed cells available, including DNA, and possibly therefore serving as a large genetic archive. Gradient formation creates a wide range of very different habitats, contributing to biodiversity in biofilms.
The matrix protects organisms in the biofilm from desiccation, biocides, antibiotics, heavy metals, ultraviolet radiation, host immune defences and many protozoan grazers.
Eventually, EPS can serve as a nutrient source, but — as for many other structural polymers in biology — some EPS components are only slowly biodegradable. The vast variety of EPS components means that their complete degradation requires a wide range of enzymes.
Ecologically, competition and cooperation in the confined space of the EPS matrix, and competition for the limited nutrients in particular, lead to constant adaptation of population fitness.
The microorganisms in biofilms live in a self-produced matrix of hydrated extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that form their immediate environment. EPS are mainly polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids; they provide the mechanical stability of biofilms, mediate their adhesion to surfaces and form a cohesive, three-dimensional polymer network that interconnects and transiently immobilizes biofilm cells. In addition, the biofilm matrix acts as an external digestive system by keeping extracellular enzymes close to the cells, enabling them to metabolize dissolved, colloidal and solid biopolymers. Here we describe the functions, properties and constituents of the EPS matrix that make biofilms the most successful forms of life on earth.
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We are grateful for the inspiring cooperation with partners in the research group on 'Physico-chemistry of Biofilms': W. Borchard, K.-E. Jaeger, H. Kuhn, C. Mayer and W. Veeman. We also acknowledge financial support by the German Research Foundation to various EPS research projects. Furthermore, constructive, critical and stimulating comments and discussions with I. Sutherland are highly appreciated.
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- Biofilm
A loose definition for microbial aggregates that usually accumulate at a solid–liquid interface and are encased in a matrix of highly hydrated EPS. Included in this definition are cell aggregates such as flocs (floating biofilms) and sludge, which are not attached to an interface but which share the characteristics of biofilms. Multispecies biofilms can form stable microconsortia, develop physiochemical gradients, and undergo horizontal gene transfer and intense cell–cell communication, and these consortia therefore represent highly competitive environments.
- Extracellular polymeric substances
Hydrated biopolymers (including polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids) that are secreted by biofilm cells to encase and immobilize microbial aggregates. These biopolymers are responsible for the macroscopic appearance of biofilms, which are frequently referred to as 'slime'.
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The formation of areas that have virtually no exchange of water content with their environment. An example is a desiccated EPS layer that covers an area with a high water content but has very low water transport through the layer, retaining the water underneath.
- Elasticity modulus
The tendency of an object or material to reversibly develop an elastic force in response to deformation. Mathematically, the elasticity modulus is the proportionality factor between the force and the deformation, or, in other words, the slope on a plot of stress versus strain in the elastic deformation region. Stiff materials have a higher elasticity modulus, whereas soft materials have a lower one.
- Stress relaxation
A deviation from the ideal elastic behaviour of a material due to an internal relief of stress under constant strain. Some materials, when put under mechanical tension, undergo internal flow processes (termed 'creep') that are at least partially irreversible and lead to a constant deformation of the test specimen.
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Flemming, HC., Wingender, J. The biofilm matrix. Nat Rev Microbiol 8, 623–633 (2010).
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