Key Points
Regenerative ability is widespread in metazoan phylogeny, but has been lost in many species for reasons that are not understood.
The champions of regeneration among adult verterbrates are the urodele amphibians, such as the newt, which can regenerate their limbs, jaws, lens and large sections of the heart.
Urodele regeneration depends on the local plasticity of differentiated cells that remain after injury or tissue removal. This involves re-entry to the cell cycle and loss of differentiated characteristics, so as to generate a local progenitor cell of restricted potentiality.
The molecular cell biology of urodele plasticity has been investigated in detail in the skeletal myofibre and myotube. Newt myotubes can re-enter the cell cycle by activating a pathway that leads to phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein pRb. This pathway is triggered by a ligand that is generated downstream of thrombin activation to which mammalian myotubes are completely unresponsive.
Newt myotubes are converted to mononucleate progeny after implantation into the regenerating limb. Mouse myotubes are also converted to mononucleate cells by expression of the Msx-1 gene, by exposure to a substituted purine known as myoseverin or to extracts of a regenerating newt limb.
Our understanding of re-programming during urodele regeneration might lead to a marked enhancement of regenerative ability in mammals.
Adult urodele amphibians, such as the newt, can regenerate their limbs and various other structures. This is the result of the plasticity and reprogramming of residual differentiated cells, rather than the existence of a 'reserve-cell' mechanism. The recent demonstrations of plasticity in mouse myotubes should facilitate comparative studies of the pathways that underlie the regenerative response, as well as proposing new approaches to promote mammalian regeneration.
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Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
Regeneration: growth factors in limb development
Regeneration of the urodele limb
Regeneration of the vertebrate lens and other eye structures
Regeneration of the vertebrate tail
Regeneration of vertebrate appendages
An order of the class Amphibia, which comprises newts and salamanders, which have elongated bodies, short limbs and a tail.
Refers to the kingdom Animalia (animals), which comprises ∼35 phyla of multicellular organisms.
Evolutionary history that is sometimes represented by the hypothesized ancestor–descendant relationship of a group of organisms.
A muscle cell of the heart.
The phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle in which DNA is synthesized.
The structural unit of striated muscle fibres. Several myofibrils make up each fibre.
The multinucleate structure that is formed by the fusion of proliferating myoblasts and is characterized by the presence of certain muscle-specific marker proteins.
A skeletal-muscle fibre that consists of one long multinucleate cell.
A stem cell that can give rise to more than one differentiated cell type.
The parenchymal cells of the liver that are responsible for the synthesis, degradation and storage of a wide range of substances.
A small phylum of microscopic multicellular organisms. They have a wheel-like ciliated organ (from which they derive their name) that they use for swimming and feeding.
A class of platyhelminthes that comprises mostly aquatic and free-living organisms. They have a ciliated epidermis for locomotion and a simple gut.
A segmented worm.
Describes free-living members of the invertebrate phylum platyhelminthes.
A cell that produces myelin and ensheathes axons in the peripheral nervous system.
Proteins that are produced by Schwann cells or oligodendrocytes that cause adjacent plasma membranes to stack tightly together.
Immature connective tissue that consists of cells that are embedded in extracellular matrix.
An autofluorescent protein that was originally isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. It can be genetically conjugated with proteins to make them fluorescent. The most widely used mutant, EGFP, has an emission maximum at 510 nm.
(BrdU). A base analogue of thymidine, which is often used experimentally to label dividing cells.
Also known as differential interference contrast microscopy, this technique forms images of high contrast and resolution in unstained cells using birefringent prisms and polarized light.
A cell that makes up part of an exocrine gland, which discharges its secretion through a duct.
- G2
The phase of the cell cycle through which cells progress after S phase but before M phase.
A cell that contains two nuclei in a common cytoplasm.
The process of cytoplasmic division.
A mesenchymal cell that can differentiate into a bone-degrading cell.
Large multinucleated cells that are thought to result from the fusion of macrophages.
Able to form cartilage.
Able to form fat or adipose tissue.
A hollow tube, 25 nm in diameter, that is formed by the lateral association of 13 protofilaments, which are themselves polymers of α- and β-tubulin subunits.
Devices that are used to analyse complex nucleic acid samples by hybridization. They make it possible to quantitate the amount of different nucleic acid molecules that are present in a sample of interest.
Obstruction of the blood supply as a result of extremely low temperatures.
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Brockes, J., Kumar, A. Plasticity and reprogramming of differentiated cells in amphibian regeneration. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 3, 566–574 (2002).
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