Key Points
Mechanotransduction describes the cellular processes that translate mechanical inputs into biochemical signals and can modulate cellular functions as diverse as migration, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.
Mechanotransduction is essential in the development and maintenance of all tissues, but is particularly important in mechanically-stressed tissues such as muscle, bone, cartilage and blood vessels, as these require adaptive responses to quickly adjust to varying loading conditions.
Changes in cellular or extracellular structure, the cellular mechanosensing process itself or in the relevant downstream signalling pathways can result in altered and abnormal mechanotransduction and can lead to disease.
Diseases associated with disturbed mechanotransduction signalling include developmental defects, loss of hearing, muscular dystrophies, cardiac myopathies, defects in bone and cartilage, axial myopia, glaucoma, arteriosclerosis and cancer.
A common denominator of many mechanobiology diseases is a disruption in the intricate force transmission between the extracellular matrix (ECM), the cytoskeleton and the nuclear interior.
Sudden changes in ECM mechanics, ECM remodelling and the resultant disturbance in cytoskeletal tension and mechanotransduction signalling have emerged as important factors that can promote malignant transformation, tumorigenesis and metastasis.
Cells sense their physical surroundings through mechanotransduction — that is, by translating mechanical forces and deformations into biochemical signals such as changes in intracellular calcium concentration or by activating diverse signalling pathways. In turn, these signals can adjust cellular and extracellular structure. This mechanosensitive feedback modulates cellular functions as diverse as migration, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, and is crucial for organ development and homeostasis. Consequently, defects in mechanotransduction — often caused by mutations or misregulation of proteins that disturb cellular or extracellular mechanics — are implicated in the development of various diseases, ranging from muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies to cancer progression and metastasis.
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We apologize to all those authors whose papers we could not cite because of space limitations. We thank R. T. Lee and P. Patwari for insightful discussions and helpful comments. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants HL082792, NS059348, the American Heart Association grant 0635359N and a research grant from the Progeria Research Foundation.
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- Focal adhesions
Dynamic protein complexes at the plasma membrane that connect the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton. Focal adhesions consist of integrins, talin, paxillin and signalling molecules such as focal adhesion kinase. Several of these proteins are thought to act as mechanosensors and to participate in mechanotransduction signalling.
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Jaalouk, D., Lammerding, J. Mechanotransduction gone awry. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 10, 63–73 (2009).
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