Key Points
Class O forkhead box transcription factors (FoxOs) have important roles in the regulation of lifespan and diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
The activity of many transcription factors is controlled by post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation, acetylation and ubiquitylation. In most cases, these modifications are reversible, thereby allowing dynamic regulation.
Phosphorylation of FoxOs can both inhibit (AKT/protein kinase B-mediated phosphorylation) and stimulate (c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-mediated phosphorylation) their transcriptional activity. Moreover, acetylation probably inhibits, whereas monoubiquitylation stimulates FoxO activity.
JNK-mediated phosphorylation, as well as acetylation and monoubiquitylation of FoxOs can be provoked by oxidative stress. These stress-induced modifications probably affect different facets of FoxO activity regulation, such as cellular localization, interaction with transcriptional cofactors and DNA binding.
FoxOs and p53 share cellular function — they both regulate cell-cycle progression and apoptosis when a cell encounters a stress that is possibly detrimental. They also share regulators of their activity: the transcriptional activity of both FoxO and p53 is controlled by the deacetylase SIRT1, the deubiquitylating enzyme USP7 and the serine–threonine kinase JNK. Importantly, SIRT1 and USP7 regulate the activity of FoxO and p53 in opposite directions, whereas JNK stimulates both proteins under stress conditions.
The current notion that there is a trade-off between lifespan and diseases such as diabetes and cancer can be explained at the molecular level. Lifespan extension by FoxO — for example, by enhanced activity of SIRT1 — is counterbalanced by an increased risk of getting cancer through inhibition of p53. Reversibly, USP7 decreases the risk of cancer by stimulating p53 but concomitantly inhibits FoxO, thereby decreasing lifespan. JNK lowers the risk of getting cancer through stimulation of p53 and enhances lifespan through stimulation of FoxO; however, JNK can also cause diabetes.
Members of the class O of forkhead box transcription factors (FoxO) have important roles in metabolism, cellular proliferation, stress tolerance and probably lifespan. The activity of FoxOs is tightly regulated by post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation, acetylation and ubiquitylation. Several of the enzymes that regulate the turnover of these post-translational modifications are shared between FoxO and p53. These regulatory enzymes affect FoxO and p53 function in an opposite manner. This shared yet opposing regulatory network between FoxOs and p53 may underlie a 'trade-off' between disease and lifespan.
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We thank A. Brenkman, T. Dansen and L. Price for critical reading of the manuscript and members of our laboratory for comments and discussion. Work in the Burgering laboratory is supported by the Dutch Cancer Foundation (KWF) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
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van der Horst, A., Burgering, B. Stressing the role of FoxO proteins in lifespan and disease. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8, 440–450 (2007).
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Acetylation of FOXO1 activates Bim expression involved in CVB3 induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis
Apoptosis (2023)
Expression Changes of SIRT1 and FOXO3a Significantly Correlate with Oxidative Stress Resistance Genes in AML Patients
Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (2023)
Roles of sirtuin family members in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Respiratory Research (2022)