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Consortium biology in immunology: the perspective from the Immunological Genome Project

A Corrigendum to this article was published on 04 July 2014

This article has been updated


Although the field has a long collaborative tradition, immunology has made less use than genetics of 'consortium biology', wherein groups of investigators together tackle large integrated questions or problems. However, immunology is naturally suited to large-scale integrative and systems-level approaches, owing to the multicellular and adaptive nature of the cells it encompasses. Here, we discuss the value and drawbacks of this organization of research, in the context of the long-running 'big science' debate, and consider the opportunities that may exist for the immunology community. We position this analysis in light of our own experience, both positive and negative, as participants of the Immunological Genome Project.

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Change history

  • 04 July 2014

    In the version of this Perspectives article that was originally published, the surname of an author listed as a member of the Immunological Genome Project was misspelt. The correct spelling is Cipolletta (and not Cipoletta, as in the original). The authors apologize for this error, which has been corrected in the online HTML and PDF versions of the article.


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We thank R. Germain, B. Malissen and the reviewers for comments and suggestions. The ImmGen programme is supported by grant R24-AI072073 from the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, and is grateful to eBioscience, Affymetrix and Expression Analysis for sponsorship.

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Correspondence to Christophe Benoist or Diane Mathis.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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The Immunological Genome Project: Jeff Ericson, Michio Painter, Scott Davis, Catherine Laplace, Gordon Hyatt, Henry Paik, Katie Rothamel, Richard Cruse, Graeme Doran, Tracy Heng, Natasha Asinovski, Adriana Ortiz-Lopes, Ayla Ergun, Daniel Gray, Ei Wakamatsu, Jonathan Hill, Michael Mingueneau, Daniela Cipolletta, Hideyuki Yoshida, Christophe Benoist, Diane Mathis, Nadia Cohen, Edy Kim, Patrick Brennan, Lydia Lynch, Michael Brenner, James Costello, Jim J. Collins, David Blair, Michael Dustin, Jamie Knell, Edward Yang, Adam Best, Laura Shaw, Andrew Doedens, Ananda Goldrath, Susan Shinton, Yan Zhou, Randy Hardy, Vladimir Jojic, Sara Mostafavi, Daphne Koller, Radu Jianu, David Laidlaw, Natalie Bezman, Joseph Sun, Yanan Zhu, Deborah Hendricks, Yosuke Kamimura, Gundula Min-Oo, Deborah Hendricks, Maelig Morvan, Yosuke Kamimura, Tsukasa Nabekura, Viola Lam, Charles Kim, Lewis Lanier, Melanie Greter, Julie Helft, Andrew Chow, Milena Bogunovic, Arthur Mortha, Jeremy Price, Daigo Hashimoto, Jennifer Miller, Priyanka Sathe, Aleksey Chudnovskiy, Yonit Lavin, Juliana Idoyaga, Miriam Merad, Emmanuel Gautier, Claudia Jakubzick, June D'Angelo, Gwendolyn Randolph, Tal Shay, Aviv Regev, Roi Gazit, Derrick Rossi, Taras Kreslawsky, Harald von Bohmer, Angelique Bellemare-Pelletier, Kutlu Elpek, Lotte Spelv, Anne Fletcher, Deepali Malhotra, Viviana Cremasco, Shannon Turley, Francis Kim, Tata Nageswara Rao & Amy Wagers

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Big science

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Glycomes and lipidomes

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Reverse engineering

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Text mining

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Benoist, C., Lanier, L., Merad, M. et al. Consortium biology in immunology: the perspective from the Immunological Genome Project. Nat Rev Immunol 12, 734–740 (2012).

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