Key Points
This Review summarizes the results from preclinical and clinical studies that use CD3-specific monoclonal antibody therapy and highlights future combination opportunities to enhance the efficacy of this promising immunotherapeutic.
CD3-specific monoclonal antibodies inactivate pathogenic cells by inducing rapid internalization of the T-cell receptor (TCR)–CD3 complex from the cell surface. Upon TCR re-expression and exposure to the autoantigen, an 'altered' TCR signal causes the T cells to die, become anergic or even change from a pathogenic to a regulatory T-cell phenotype.
Preclinical studies strongly suggested that the long-term therapeutic effect of CD3-specific monoclonal antibodies in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice could not be explained solely by their capacity to eliminate and/or inactivate pathogenic T cells. Evidence suggests that this long-term effect results as a consequence of a significant increase in the number of transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)-dependent adaptive regulatory T cells, as well as an increased sensitivity of pathogenic T cells to the effects of regulatory T cells.
At variance with presently available therapies for autoimmunity and transplantation, CD3-specific monoclonal antibodies afford long-term effects following a short administration — a capacity that is directly linked to their tolerogenic properties. The present challenge is to build on this experience; first to attain the use of CD3-specific monoclonal antibodies as an established therapy in well-selected subsets of patients with autoimmune diabetes; second, to adapt CD3-specific monoclonal antibody treatment to other autoimmune disorders in which it could also prove beneficial; and third, to use CD3-specific monoclonal antibody therapies in combination with other treatments for increased efficiency.
Targeted immunotherapies hold great promise for the treatment and cure of autoimmune diseases. The efficacy of CD3-specific monoclonal antibody therapy in mice and humans stems from its ability to re-establish immune homeostasis in treated individuals. This occurs through modulation of the T-cell receptor (TCR)–CD3 complex (also termed antigenic modulation) and/or induction of apoptosis of activated autoreactive T cells, which leaves behind 'space' for homeostatic reconstitution that favours selective induction, survival and expansion of adaptive regulatory T cells, which establishes long-term tolerance. This Review summarizes the pre-clinical and clinical studies of CD3-specific monoclonal antibody therapy and highlights future opportunities to enhance the efficacy of this potent immunotherapeutic.
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The authors wish to acknowledge the many students, postdoctoral researchers and colleagues who have participated in the development, mechanistic understanding and clinical application of CD3-specific monoclonal anitbodies. In particular, we wish to acknowledge the contributions of J.-F. Bach, K. Herold and H. Waldmann without whose support and insights none of these studies would have been possible.
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J.A.B. has a financial interest in one of the CD3-specific monoclonal antibodies, teplizumab, and is a consultant for the company developing the drug, MacroGenics Inc.
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- Adjuvant
An agent that is mixed with an antigen for the purpose of increasing the immune response to that antigen following immunization.
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Chatenoud, L., Bluestone, J. CD3-specific antibodies: a portal to the treatment of autoimmunity. Nat Rev Immunol 7, 622–632 (2007).
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