Key Points
The fetus is an allograft onto the mother and is at risk of rejection, so there is a strong T helper 2 (TH2)-cell bias to fetal innate immune responses, a tendency also initially manifest in the newborn. The production of pro-inflammatory/TH1-cell-polarizing cytokines such as tumour-necrosis factor (TNF), interferon-γ (IFNγ), and interleukin-12 (IL-12) is impaired.
Neonatal monocytes and antigen-presenting cells (APCs) show reduced production of TNF, IL-12 and IFNγ, but preserved production of IL-6, IL-10 and IL-23. Mechanisms for this polarization include elevated cytosolic concentrations of the second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP), reduced myeloid differentiation primary-response gene 88 (MyD88) expression and defects in nucleosome remodelling.
Birth initiates an acute-phase response characterized by rising serum levels of IL-6 and increases in IL-6-inducible hepatocyte products such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein. It is speculated that this response might serve to clear microbes and/or microbial products that might translocate across mucosal barriers during birth and/or initial colonization.
Shortly after birth, upon initial microbial colonization, the neonatal intestinal tract downregulates its inflammatory responses to endotoxin to avoid over-exuberant and potentially harmful reactions to common Gram-negative bacterial flora.
The neonatal respiratory tract manifests age-dependent maturation of Toll-like receptor (TLR) responses and expression of antimicrobial proteins and peptides (APPs). As a major portal for aeroallergens and aeroadjuvants (for example, microbial products that are TLR agonists), the respiratory tract might mediate maturation of neonatal and infant TH1-cell-type responses by repeated low-dose exposure to environmental TLR agonists, as posited by the hygiene hypothesis.
Neonatal neutrophils show qualitative defects in reduced integrin and selectin expression, reduced expression of some antimicrobial proteins and impaired priming of the phagocyte oxidase. In addition, neonates experience a quantitative neutrophil deficiency during stress conditions.
Robust responses to certain microbial stimuli, including viral single-stranded RNAs and related imidazoquinoline compounds that activate cells through TLR8, represent exceptions to the generally impaired production of pro-inflammatory/TH1-cell-polarizing cytokines.
On-going efforts seek to leverage our newfound knowledge of innate immunity to diagnose, prevent and treat neonatal diseases. Such approaches might include measuring components of innate immunity to diagnose infection, using APPs as anti-infective agents or using TLR agonists as vaccine adjuvants.
The fetus and newborn face a complex set of immunological demands, including protection against infection, avoidance of harmful inflammatory immune responses that can lead to pre-term delivery, and balancing the transition from a sterile intra-uterine environment to a world that is rich in foreign antigens. These demands shape a distinct neonatal innate immune system that is biased against the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This bias renders newborns at risk of infection and impairs responses to many vaccines. This Review describes innate immunity in newborns and discusses how this knowledge might be used to prevent and treat infection in this vulnerable population.
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Among the funding sources to the author's laboratory is research support from XOMA (U.S.) L.L.C. that manufactures recombinant BPI.
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Levy, O. Innate immunity of the newborn: basic mechanisms and clinical correlates. Nat Rev Immunol 7, 379–390 (2007).
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