Key Points
The complement system is necessary for the induction of optimal T-cell effector function. In complement component 3 (C3)-deficient mice, CD4+ T-cell responses to viruses are impaired and the optimal CD8+ T-cell responses are not induced.
The complement system influences priming of T-cell responses by facilitating antigen-presenting cell (APC)–T-cell interactions. To carry out this task, APCs express various receptors for complement ligands.
Deficiencies in complement components or receptor function hinder T-cell-dependent processes, whereas deficiencies in regulators lead to a more robust T-cell response. Alterations in this fine balance have a role in immune-mediated diseases.
Complement regulators have a role in the controlled induction of T-cell apoptosis (and therefore the contraction of an effector response) by modulating apoptotic signals.
Crosslinking of CD3 and the complement regulatory protein CD46 induces a regulatory T-cell phenotype in humans. These cells synthesize large amounts of interleukin-10 and granzyme B, through which these complement-induced regulatory T cells can inhibit effector T-cell proliferation and kill many types of activated, immunocompetent cells.
There are substantial differences in the structure and expression profile of complement receptors and regulators between mouse and humans.
The complement system was traditionally known as an effector arm of humoral immunity. Today we also recognize it as a main element of the innate immune system. In blood and other body fluids complement is a first line of defence against pathogens, because it becomes fully active within seconds. Active complement fragments attach to the invading pathogen to promote opsonization and lysis, triggering a local inflammatory response. This Review focuses on the evolving role of the complement system in the regulation of T-cell responses, from directing the initiation phase, through driving lineage commitment, to regulating the contraction phase.
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We thank K. Murphy, S. Virgin, W. Barchet and the Immunology community at Washington University for their support. We also thank M. Bogacki and L. Whiteley for secretarial assistance.
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Kemper, C., Atkinson, J. T-cell regulation: with complements from innate immunity. Nat Rev Immunol 7, 9–18 (2007).
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