Key Points
Myeloid-cell activation is controlled by many families of receptors, each including activating and inhibitory isoforms.
Triggering receptors expressed by myeloid cells (TREMs) are encoded by a gene cluster on human chromosome 6 and mouse chromosome 17.
TREM1 is associated with the DAP12 adaptor and amplifies granulocytic and monocytic inflammatory responses during bacteria and fungus infections.
Blocking TREM1 function reduces mortality in experimental models of sepsis.
TREM2 can associate with the DAP12 adaptor and activates monocyte-derived dendritic cells.
TREM2 promotes the differentiation of osteoclasts and glial cells from monocytic precursors.
Rare null mutations of TREM2 in humans cause Nasu-Hakola disease, an autosomic recessive disorder that is characterized by bone cysts and demyelination of the central nervous system, resulting in bone fractures and presenile dementia.
Triggering receptors expressed by myeloid cells (TREMs) belong to a rapidly expanding family of receptors that include activating and inhibitory isoforms encoded by a gene cluster linked to the MHC. TREM1 and TREM2 activate myeloid cells by signalling through the adaptor protein DAP12. TREM1 triggers phagocyte secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines, amplifying the inflammation that is induced by bacteria and fungi. TREM2 activates monocyte-derived dendritic cells and regulates osteoclast development. Remarkably, TREM2 deficiency leads to a severe disease that is characterized by bone cysts and demyelination of the central nervous system, which results in dementia, implying that the function of TREM2 extends beyond the immune system.
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I would like to thank S. Gilfillan and W. Barchet for helpful comments.
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Colonna, M. TREMs in the immune system and beyond. Nat Rev Immunol 3, 445–453 (2003).
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