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Therapeutic strategies for human amyloid diseases

Key Points

  • A relatively large and diverse set of human proteins are known to form fibrils that accumulate in tissue in association with several different diseases. It is widely accepted that these fibrils — called amyloid — are the causative agent of the related diseases. Another common attribute of amyloid diseases is that beyond the age of forty, the risk of developing an amyloid disease greatly increases. This is true for all known amyloid diseases with the exception of the familial type.

  • On a molecular level, amyloid fibrils resemble an aircraft cable, with 3–6 filaments wrapped around one another to form the fibril. All amyloid fibrils studied to date are composed of individual filaments that are made of a lamellar cross-?-sheet, which contains thousands of non-covalently associated protein subunits.

  • The most common strategy that is being pursued in the development of small-molecule amyloid inhibitors involves finding molecules that prevent the initiation of the conformational changes or endoproteolytic processing that lead to amyloid formation. A more difficult approach might be to discover compounds that prevent amyloid formation by intercepting the misfolded protein.

  • Intermediates in amyloid assembly might be responsible for some, if not all, of the pathology. Therefore, 'amyloid-fibril inhibitors' could, in theory, lead to more pronounced pathology owing to the accumulation of soluble disease-associated quaternary structures.

  • Small-molecule inhibitors that stabilize the native conformation of transthyretin (TTR) have been discovered using functional screens and structure-based methods. Several of these small-molecule inhibitors efficiently prevent TTR amyloid fibril formation in vitro, and are being tested for their in vivo activity.


Amyloid diseases are a large group of a much larger family of misfolding diseases. This group includes pathologies as diverse as Alzheimer's disease, immunoglobulin-light-chain disease, reactive amyloid disease and the familial amyloid polyneuropathies. These diseases are generally incurable at present, although some drugs are known to transiently slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. As we increase our understanding of the causative mechanisms of these disorders, the likelihood of success for a given therapeutic strategy will become clearer. This review will look at small-molecule and macromolecular approaches for intervention in amyloid diseases other than Alzheimer's disease, although select examples from Alzheimer's disease will be discussed.

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Figure 1: The structure of amyloid fibrils.
Figure 2: Free-energy-reaction coordinate diagram.
Figure 3: Small-molecule TTR amyloid-fibril inhibitors.
Figure 4: Interallelic trans-suppression of misfolding.

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J.W.K. thanks the members of his laboratory, who made the discoveries outlined in this review possible, and appreciates the financial support from the National Institutes of Health, The Skaggs Institute of Chemical Biology and the Lita Annenberg Hazen Foundation. J.C.S. thanks his laboratory and the Robert A. Welch Foundation for financial support.

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A network of polysaccharides and proteoglycans that templates an assembly of cells to assist in function and impart strength.


Refers to proteolytic cleavage of internal amide bonds in a protein — that is, all amides except those that connect the carboxy- and amino-terminal residues.


Refers to a property of a protein that allows it to form amyloid fibrils in a human.


(TTR.) An amyloidogenic plasma protein that normally transports the retinol-binding protein–vitamin A complex and thyroxine.


A disease with a course that is influenced by the expression of more than one gene.


A change in the aqueous environment of a protein, such as the pH or the dielectric constant, that causes it to denature.


The association of proteins in a geometrically specific manner through non-covalent interactions.


Refers to the most stable conformation of a macromolecule.


The vesicular pathway by which molecules are taken into a cell.


A method for determining quaternary structure that uses a centrifuge fitted with a UV detector to quantify concentration gradients.


Refers to molar proportions in a reaction or assembly.


A binding interaction in which one partner can bind to two or more sites on another partner.


A favourable interaction between nonpolar substructures or surfaces in aqueous solution that is characterized by a large change in heat capacity.


A non-covalent dipole–dipole or induced dipole–dipole interaction that can be stabilizing or destabilizing.


A mechanism of polymerization in which the quaternary structure or seed is formed in a rate-determining fashion. This is followed by rapid addition of monomer to afford a high-molecular-weight assembly such as an amyloid fibril.


A molecule that mimics another.


An aromatic ring that is functionalized with a sulphonate functional group.

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Sacchettini, J., Kelly, J. Therapeutic strategies for human amyloid diseases. Nat Rev Drug Discov 1, 267–275 (2002).

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