Key Points
Arsenicals are some of the oldest drugs known to man. For more than 2,000 years, physicians have progressively switched from natural sulphur derivatives, to white arsenic, from ointments to oral forms, culminating in the massive use of organic arsenicals against syphilis in the 1900s.
In the 1990s, Chinese scientists revived arsenic trioxide therapy by showing that it induces marked responses in patients with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL). Such exquisite sensitivity of APL to arsenic is likely to relate to its effects on the PML gene product, which is fused to the retinoic-acid receptor during the APL-specific t(15;17) translocation.
The ability of arsenic to treat APL has shed new light on the pathogenesis of this disease, emphasizing the role of transcriptional derepression. APL, which is also exquisitely sensitive to retinoic-acid-induced differentiation, has become a model for both differentiation therapy and oncogene-targeted treatments.
Continuing studies are trying to broaden the use of arsenic in cancer therapies.
Despite its many therapeutic qualities, arsenic trioxide has been more commonly remembered as Madame Bovary's poison than as an anticancer drug. The ability of arsenic trioxide to treat acute promyelocytic leukaemia has radically changed this view, providing new insights into the pathogenesis of this malignancy and raising hopes that arsenicals might be useful in treating other cancers.
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We thank M.T. Daniel for pictures of APL cells, and A. Bazarbachi, L. Degos, H. Dombret and M. Koken for critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank A.M. Pichon for help with the bibliography, L. Marandin for the analysis of DNA arrays and ARECA for supporting the animal facility. J.Z. is supported by the Fondation de France and V.L. by the ARC. The authors' laboratories are supported by the Pôle Sino-Français en Sciences du vivant et en génomique and PRA.
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Zhu, J., Chen, Z., Lallemand-Breitenbach, V. et al. How acute promyelocytic leukaemia revived arsenic. Nat Rev Cancer 2, 705–714 (2002).
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